A Review of Flat Earth Conference 2017

A Review Of FEIC 2017

Late last year the first flat earth conference in at least several thousand years was held in North Carolina and attracted several hundred people. Included in the speakers line up were several well known names on this blog, Robbie Davidson, Rob Skiba, Mark Sargent and others. The conference was an insightful event for those interested in the psychology of flat eartherism and was halfway interesting to watch.

Rob Skiba, one of the more important flat earth proponents, gave an incredibly boring speech which was almost entirely a rehash of stuff hes already said. To be fair, Skiba had said that he wasn't going to be putting too much work into his presentation because he was going to focus on his new project, a TV series called "seed" which is supposed to be the "Christian X-files."

That being said, almost none of the conference had anything even tangentially new. The same old claims of being able to see things that were under the horizon, long since explained as light refraction, were repeated ad nasuem and seemed to be the majority of the "scientific" evidence.

The two most interesting things that happened were the hick pastor Dead Odles presentation during which he was heckled, ranted about Islam and threatened those who disagreed with him with eternal torture and seeing the sideshow collection of weirdos and freeks who came.

If you want to watch a few hours of people making idiots of themselves, tune in to the conference. It just never quite gets old.


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